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Robotics Technology- How Robots works

Robotics Technology- How Robots works

Robotics Technology 
Robotics Technology

In a robotic System, we discussed the following topics.
  • What is Robotics?
  • Technology of Robots
  • Types of Robots 
  • Future of Robotics

What is Robots?
What is Robots

A Robot is a new advanced technology machine which is performed number of operations automatically. It is controlled by especially one programmable computer. Various techniques have emerged to develop the Robots. There are many different types of robots such that they have tasks to perform. The word Robotics first appeared in Isaac Asimov ’s science fiction story Runaround in 1942.

Technology of Robots 
Technology of Robotics

In 2005, 90% of all robots was worked on assembled the vehicles in automotive industries. These robots consist mainly of mechanical arms tasked with welding or screwing on certain parts of a vehicles. Today, we are seeing an evolved and expanded definition of robotics that includes the development, processing and operations.
All Robots consist of mechanical, electrical and electronics components for constructing the robots.

Types of Robots

1. Autonomous Robots 
Autonomous Robots operate automatically without any interference of humans. Once, the program executes then no need of any supervision. 

2. Teleoperated Robots 
Teleoperated Robots are controlled by human interference. These robots are usually worked in remote control areas.

3. Pre programmed Robots 
Pre programmed Robots  usually worked in automotive industries at assembly lines. Every arm executes one function that should be number of arms used at assembly lines.

4. Humanoids Robots 
Humanoid robots look like mimic human behavior. These robots performed human activities  like walking, running, handling objectives, communication etc.

Future of Robotics
Future of Robotics

In a past of industry, All work execute by manually, no more Technology available to performed operations automatically.
Now a days, Number of sectors use Semiautomatic Technology to performed operations. It is operate by humans to operate the machinery.
In future, all manual and Semiautomatic operations replace against fully automatic Technology where one human performed all operations by using Robotic technology. At that time, the operations and processing Speed should be improved.

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