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Robotics Technology- How Robots works

Electric Vehicle- A Future Generation Technology

Electric Vehicle - A Future Generation Technology

Electric vehicle

Electrical vehicle is a new technology transportation system which is run on electric power. In electric vehicle, Electric batteries used against engine.
The most important advantage of Electric vehicle is pollution free and Low running cost due to absence of fuel. There are no gear system in electric vehicle so this vehicle are user friendly for driving.
In electric vehicle, electric motor used for propulsion drive. So the torque are less than fuel engine vehicle.

Block diagram of electric vehicle

Electric vehicle block diagram

Major Components of Electric vehicle

1. Battery pack
2. Electric Motor
3. Transmission
4. Controller/ Converter

1. Battery

Mostly Lithium- Ion type battery used in electric vehicle due it's certain advantages. Number of batteries are connected in series or parallel for maintain Current and voltage level. 
Batteries changed by electric  power supply from charging stations and somewhere it's charged by regenerative braking of a vehicle.

2. Electric Motor

Brushless DC motor and Induction motor are used to drive the electric vehicles. In brushless DC motor, brushes are not used so the motor run as sparkless.
Electric motor connect with transmission system of electric vehicle for driving the shaft. The characteristics of brushless DC motor are similar to AC motor so this motor are more efficient.

3.Transmission System

In transmission system, Gearbox used for propulsion the electric vehicle. It also provide regenerative braking during coasting and braking. In this condition, the power to batteries from motor.

4. Controller/Converter

The function of controlling in electric vehicle are to the control the all parameters like speed, voltage, current, torque, charging system, display and many other. The main function of the controller are to control fed to motor and reverse from transmission.

Types of Electric vehicles

There three types of electric vehicle according to their energy source.

1. Hybrid Electric Vehicle
2. Plug in Hybrid electric vehicle
3. Battery Electric Vehicle

1. Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Hybrid electric vehicle

In Hybrid Electric Vehicle, the energy powered by Fuel engine and electricity. Here Gas Engine Or diesel engine are used to drive the motor. Battery charging by during regenerative braking of motor. Here no any external source used for charging the batteries.

2. Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Plug in hybrid electric vehicle

In plug in hybrid electric vehicle,  Battery power supply and combustion engine power supply are separated. Battery charged by external electric power supply through charging stations. Combustion engine power used at the time of maximum demand of torque otherwise vehicle run on battery power supply.

3 Battery Electric Vehicle

Battery electric vehicle

In Battery Electric Vehicle, there is only Battery power supply used for drive the vehicle. It is pure electric vehicle which is run on only battery and motor. Battery charged by charging stations and also during regenerative braking. The torque of this vehicle is low compared with other electric vehicles.

In future, It is mandatory to use of electric vehicle due to fossil fuel. Now many industries research to develop high efficient electric vehicle with minimum cost. Also Solar panel will one more parameter should be added in future in the electric vehicle for efficient charging.


  1. Illumina Energy is among Australia’s leading solar renewable energy solutions provider that is revolutionizing and redefining the way sustainable energy sources are harnessed across the world.


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